Tasting Marche Blog

“La dolce Vita” in the Marche Region

While everyone is talking about how to get in shape for the summer, about advices and simple remedies, I would like to reveal a few secrets, that I do not think you will find very easily on the web or in the newspaper articles.

Here I am, that’s me on the left, a few years ago …, and my grandmother Gennarina were keeping me in her arms. My grandmother left us a few years ago, on a particular day, Christmas Eve, and fortunately she was in her bed, at her home, with around … well, three generations, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Yes, because my grandmother left us at the age of 101 years.
That’s why I want to tell you a secret, that of the “Dolce Vita” of the Marche Region. Since we live well and long, it is a serious matter, not a figure of speech. Those who live in our beautiful area know what I mean and which are the secrets of long life, above all … the foodstuff made in the Marche Region.
Do you know that genuine cured meats are good for your health? “obviously, to be genuine, the pigs should be fed on acorns and chestnuts, and the processing should be done following all the traditions of the past.
My grandmother have always drank a glass of wine per meal; if there was the empty glass in front of her and the others were drinking she declared, beating the glass on the table: “Nothing to me?”.
And another secret? We know that we have a wonderful landscape around us and we want to share its beauty with everyone.
I do not live in Miami, but when I run I do near palm trees on the waterfront of Porto Sant’Elpidio. In the morning or at sunset is always a spectacle.
“Eh… but you do not ever stop ..” say to me those who do not explain where I find all the energy to play sports almost every day. But I assure you that in the Marche region, between good food and breathtaking views, it is really easy to live by real health-conscious.
So here below there are the secrets of the “Dolce Vita” of the Marche:
Eat healthy, genuine, made in Marche, slowly tasting each delicacies;
Drinking wine, alone or with others, without excess;
– Move, move, move … do not care how, run on the waterfront, in the woods, in the countryside between the fields, walk up and down to our villages or play sports in the middle nature.

In the picture below I want to introduce you my dad, a few days ago… when we celebrated his 80th birthday.
Good “Dolce Vita” to everyone!!

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