Tasting Marche Blog

Montebello, where “Organic” was born

Speaking of organic is almost predictable, everybody know something, it has many supporters, for someone is even a lifestyle choice. But there is a place in the Marche where it all began, back in 1971, and is the Monastery of Montebello in Isola del Piano (PU). It is just this magical place and the Cooperative of Gino Girolomoni I want to talk about in this article.

The occasion is the Feast of Organic Pasta to which Tasting Marche was invited by the Cooperative of Gino Girolomoni, our supplier of organic pasta and grains of various sizes. The event took place in the beautiful scenery of the Monastery of Montebello, where more than forty years ago Gino Girolomoni, then young mayor of Isola del Piano, started a journey as important and decisive as to make it one of the fathers of Italian organic farming.

It was in the ruins of the monastery, today almost entirely renovated, Gino Girolomoni started since 1971 cultural activity aimed at enhancing the ancient civilization: the first conferences and courses on organic farming were organized here and right here in 1977 he founded the “Alce Nero” Cooperative, one of the first experiences organic farming in Italy.
Surrounded by a landscape of incredible beauty, really worth, authenticity and passion pervades every element: the pasta, the monastery and the rural museum set up inside, but especially people who today continue to pursue this path, faithful to the path traced by the man who gave rise to all this.

The Feast is a pleasant occasion to explore the theme of agricultural biodiversity, learn the secrets of the ancient grains, visit the new production facility of long pasta and meet new colleagues and friends, all surrounded by breathtaking scenery that reminds us how precious is the land surrounded us.
And if it is true that today the products of the Cooperative have a new look the values and principles that gave birth to this extraordinary reality are unchanged. Behind each individual packet of pasta, from Organic Durum Wheat Semolina Conchiglie, to Organic Emmer Penne Rigate  and Organic Senatore Cappelli Spaghetti there is all the value of healthy and clean agriculture, in full respect of the nature and its natural cycles.

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