Our Pappardelle with Black Truffle sauce and Porcini mushrooms sauce. Pair Egg Pappardelle with intense scent of black truffle sauce, how could we not propose it combined with a porcini mushroom sauce? Here, Tasting Marche like surprise you with great dishes.

Ingredients for 4 people:
- 600/700 gr di Pappardelle
- 90 gr of black truffle sauce
- 100 gr of Porcini mushrooms sauce
- 200 gr of double cream
- Extra virgin olive oil

Ingredienti indispensabili:
Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil (around 3 liters), add salt to taste; meanwhile in a large pan add the black truffle sauce and the porcini mushrooms sauce, cook on low heat and finally put the cream, to have a greater creaminess. Cook pappardelle for 2 minutes (not more), stirring slowly with a wooden fork to avoid breakage, drain, pour into the pan with the sauce, mix well and serve.
Enjoy your meal!
Our advice:
Try to fry in a little extra virgin olive oil also dried mushrooms, previously added in water, and after a few minutes, add the other ingredients. Your dressing will really mouth-watering!