Tasting Marche Blog

The Nature’s Keepers – Part One

When we discover a museum, a historical building or a priceless treasure we think it is something beautiful, precious and unique. We have to ask permission from a keeper to visit these wonderful places because he is in charge of preserve their beauty. Anyway, I am not talking about artistic masterpiece, instead I want to introduce to you someone that preserve natural treasures: I am talking about “Guardian Farmers”.

The hands you see are those of one of them, Rodolfo Rosatelli the owner of the firm I Lubachi. Do you and want to know what he jealously guards? Seeds of fava beans, a native variety that grows only in the area of Fratte Rosa (PU); the wonderful fava beans of Fratte Rosa.
A special regional law, of June the 12th, 2003, regulates the “Protection of genetic resources of animals and plants of the Marche region” and entrusts Assam (the agency for services for agri-food sector in the Marche) for the managing both of the Repertorio Regionale and of the Conservation and Safety Network.
The Repertorio Regionale recognized the indigenous genetic resources at risk of erosion, the Conservation and Safety Network instead represents all those subjects, public or private, that own and cultivate the plants and animals listed in the Repertorio Regionale.
But what does it mean?

Do you see this wonderful fava bean field? If Guardian Farmers did not exist, this field would be extinct in favour of quality economically more profitable and less complicated to grow.
It takes a particular clay soil, the one called “The lubachi” typical of the area of Fratte Rosa (PU), the seeds kept and preserved, with traditional farming techniques but also a dedication and a passion to overcome every obstacle, just like in the most beautiful stories.
And so these particular fava beans, their unique sweetness and tenderness may be on our table, fresh, pickled with wild fennel or used to perpetuate an ancient culinary tradition of Fratte Rosa, the preparation of Tacconi, a particular egg pasta obtained by mixing wheat flour and fava bean flour.
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