This Charter of Transparency is an illustration of the rules that the company Tasting Marche, Società Cooperativa d(hereinafter referred to as Tasting Marche) has established and implemented to ensure professionalism and fairness to the customer (private customers, professionals and companies) under the management of sales online and the other activities listed on the Articles of Company and its Iternal Regulation. This is a quality paper and guarantee you that in the form of e-commerce has no way of knowing physically places and people involved.

The principles set out below relate to the company's vision from the moral and ethical values that this company has chosen which a particular focus on its management. Honesty is a fundamental value that must always be considered in the work performance. The management of relationships with both internal and with employees or partners or customers, is based on the criteria of fairness, transparency, cooperation, loyalty and mutual respect.


Tasting Marche ensures properly inform all people, employees, staff and any other external entity interacting with the company about its significant life events. Corporate communications and any other information regarding third parties meet the requirements of truthfulness, accuracy and completeness. Therefore, the description of each product on the website along with the quantities and delivery times are reliable and actually implemented. Consultants and employees to which Tasting Marche attribute specific consulting and management assignments, the company requires, in addition to the observance of general rules, laws and regulations, the rigor required by the professionalism and, therefore, the respect for ethical standards of reference.

To security and confidentiality of business data, Tasting Marche extensively dedicated through the development of specific programs of internal control as regards the part of computer security, while as regards the legal aspects and documentation, the company complies with all the operations of treatment compliance. With particular reference to web marketing and direct marketing Tasting Marche provides the timely completion of specific modules to ensure the transparency of information in respect of every party and, simultaneously, provides the acquisition of its written consent in all cases in which it has mandatory enacted.The attention given to the security of information affects all categories of data processed, acquired, managed, organized and stored. The company emphasizes respect for intellectual property rights (according to the Law on Copyright Law n°633 as modified by Conversion Law of n°14 of 27th of February 2009 and in accordance with the provisions the Code of Industrial Property) in the presence of trademarks or links to partner companies.

Tasting Marche respects the fact that it is forbidden to communicate and disseminate information, photos or documents without obtaining the appropriate consent. No sensitive information is disclosed

Tasting Marche prohibits the User to make operations to copy or store documents or other materials owned by the company. Included within the definition of "owned by the company" there are all graphic ideas, graphic design and photos, designed or marketed by Tasting Marche to show the products, and the photos projected by Tasting Marche and shooted by Edoardo Catini for the website


As part of the implementation of specific marketing activities, Tasting Marche may provide customers with gifts to loyalize and thank the customer's confidence in the marketing services provided by Tasting Marche.


The customer is a key asset for Tasting Marche, the relationship with customers is based on honesty and trust and against which continuously improving policies must be activated in terms of quality and professional service.

This company is always opened to client’s suggestions and requests, believing that being open mind to accept advice and criticism plays an important role in the company growth. Obviously, any comments, also negative ones, should be oriented by a desire to be constructive and not pure spirit of contradiction.


Relationships with suppliers and business partners are based on finding the right competitive balance. These relationships are conducted with loyalty and professional integrity. The policies established by "suppliers" are met by the company. Tasting Marche intends to maintain an open dialogue with suppliers in line with good commercial practices even in front of problems.

Following the same line of conduct traced for staff and customers, the company believes it is important to adopt a spirit of cooperation with each supplier or business partner so that together achieve the common goal represented by customer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost and delivery times.

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