Sweet Bouquet
Sweet Bouquet
Sweet Bouquet
Sweet Bouquet

Sweet Bouquet


This Sweet Bouquet is made from 16 exquisite heart-shaped dark chocolate pralines, enclosing a soft vanilla ganache interior, embellished with refined fabric roses. It is one of Roberto Cantolacqua's creations for Valentine's Day but it is perfect for any anniversary. A romantic and sweet way to say I love you with a bouquet to eat and to keep over time.

Type: Chocolates
Producer: Pasticceria Mimosa
Made in: Marche (Italia)
Number of chocolates: 16


An elegant and refined bouquet of white and red roses from which a precious assortment of delicious heart-shaped pralines stands out. Made with a crunchy dark chocolate wrapper and filled with vanilla ganache, after the surprise effect given by the flowers, they will amaze those who receive them with their intense goodness. The bouquet is also available in the small version (Petit Bouquet).


Pasticceria Mimosa s.a.s. di Roberto Cantolacqua Ripani & C. Viale Vittorio Veneto, 69, 62029 Tolentino (MC). The fortune of la Pasticceria Mimosa di Tolentino is due to his skillful pastry chef Roberto Cantolacqua. Since he was a child, Roberto took on with pastry making, thanks to his grandfather who owned a bakery. He has worked since he was teenager in the bakery, a fine flagship of Tolentino. He could be considered one of the best young italian pastry chef, thanks to his innovative and unique products, beautiful to see, and absolutely fine to taste.

Ingredients: dark shell: 70% dark chocolate (70% cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: soy lecithin, natural vanilla extract), emulsifier: soy lecithin). vanilla filling: vanilla, cream, 35% white chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, emulsifier: soy lecithin, natural vanilla extract). Contains milk and soy proteins. It may contain traces of gluten, egg proteins, nuts and peanuts.

Nutritional values ​​per 100 gr: energy values ​​Kcal 404.58, Kj 1693.89; Carbohydrates 22.96 g. of which sugars 4.13 g .; Fat 32.61 g. of which saturated 3.12 g .; Protein 5.42 g; Salt 0.09 g. Fibers 2.46 g.

The bouquet does not need special preservation methods other than keeping the chocolate away from heat sources.

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