List of products by brand brunori

Azienda vitivinicola Brunori. Via S. Nicolò, 4. 60038 San Paolo di Jesi (AN). The company is located in the municipality of San Paolo di Jesi (AN), in Contrada San Nicolò, at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level and it was founded in1956 by Mario Brunori, immediately flanked by his son Giorgio. Today the company is managed by the grandchildren Carlo and Cristina who inherited from the grandfather his great experience in the  field of viticulture and his deep interest in the knowledge and application of  modern winemaking techniques. Both sommeliers, Carlo and Cristina have been able to calibrate tradition and experimentation, and consolidated cultivation techniques and modern tools in the search of excellence. Over the years the company is grown and modernized without abandoning its traditional character. The family personally takes care of  the entire production cycle:  from the cultivation of the vineyard to vinification, from processing in the cellar to bottling and sale.

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