White Truffle Sauce
White Truffle Sauce
White Truffle Sauce
White Truffle Sauce
White Truffle Sauce
White Truffle Sauce

White Truffle Sauce


A traditional recipe and precious raw materials for an exquisite White Truffle Sauce with only white truffle and peanut oil. We recommend you to use this cream to toss pasta or on toasted bread in order to savour the delicate but unmistakable flavour of white truffles; sure to satisfy any true delicatessen connoisseur.

Type: White Truffle Sauce
Producer: Longhi tartufi
Made in: Marche (Italia)
Peso netto:  25g


Il tartufo bianco pregiato, precisamente il tuber magnatum pico, è considerato il tartufo per antonomasia, sia per il suo gusto particolarmente delicato e piacevole, sia per l’elevato apprezzamento, e di conseguenza valore, sul mercato. Il tartufo bianco, infatti, per nascere e svilupparsi ha bisogno di terreni particolari con condizioni climatiche altrettanto specifiche: il suolo deve essere umido e soffice per la gran parte dell’anno, deve essere ricco di calcio e con una buona circolazione d’aria. Il tartufo bianco inoltre tende a svilupparsi maggiormente a ridosso di piante come il tiglio, il pioppo e il salice; tali caratteristiche fanno sì che non tutti i terreni siano adatti alla sua crescita e lo rendono un prodotto raro quanto ambito. La sua raccolta va da ottobre a dicembre ed è merito del Cavatore o Tartofaner, che accompagnato dal fiuto infallibile del suo cane, riesce a portare alla luce il prezioso tubero. 


Longhi Tartufi. Via Roma 103. 61049 Urbania (PU). Truffles are very abundant in the upper valley of Metauro and have always been considered the kings of the culinary arts; that is why the places where truffles grow are carefully kept secret by collectors. The history of Longhi Tartufi began in the '60s in Urbania, where Domenico Longhi opened a small truffle industry by capturing the collection of “the tartofaner”. Some of these "jewels" were processed and shipped to big cities such as Rome, Milan and Genoa. The small family business has gradually grown over the years, and it continues to increase thanks to the hard work and dedication of the new generations. Showing great love for the land and indissoluble attachment to tradition, Longhi Tartufi gives special attention to the selection of truffles, to offer consumers high quality products processed according to traditional family recipes.

White truffle 89%, (Tuber Magnatum Pico), Sunflower oil, Salt, Flavours. Nutritional values for 100 gr: Energy Kcal 139, Kj 574; Proteins: 4,6 g.; Carbohydrates 0,1 g. of which sugars 0,0 g.; Fats 12,1 g. of which satured fatty acids 3,3 g.; Dietary fibers 5,4 g; Salt 1,7 g.

General Information: Truffle Sauces are delicious both au naturel and added to meals during the final stage of cooking. How to eat: Great spread on toasted bread or canape to serve delicious appetizers. Perfect for season pasta: just slightly heat them up in a pan with the addition of a drop of pasta cooking water, to make them more fluid. Once cooked and drained pasta, according to the specific cooking suggestions, add it to the truffle cream chosen and blended for a few minutes over medium heat.

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